Friday 26 July 2024

The Magnificent Fen Raft Spider

 It has been a couple of years since I last had a close encounter with the Fen Raft Spider (Dolomedes plantarius).

My son was visiting for a week and last weekend we went for a walk on Pevensey Levels. Weather conditions were favourable and there was a good chance that we might find some spiders basking in the ditches. 

Fen Raft Spider (Dolomedes plantarius) (female with egg sac)

Monday 22 July 2024

Along the Woodland Edge during July

The White Admirals and Purple Hairstreaks have been on the wing in my local woods for about a month and are now looking past their best. Here are some other images of  what I have been finding during July.

Emperor Dragonfly (Anax imperator) (male)

Norfolk Hawker (Aeshna isosceles) (male)

Black-bellied Diving Beetle (Dytiscus semisulcatus) (male)

Four-banded Longhorn Beetle (Leptura quadrifasciata)

Black-and-yellow Longhorn Beetle (Rutpela maculata)

Comma (Polygonia c-album) (female) (form hutchinsoni)

Gatekeeper (Pyronia tithonus) (males)

Small Skipper (Thymelicus sylvestris) (male)

Ringlet (Aphantopus hyperantus) (male)

Xysticus lanio (Crab Spider sp.)

Thursday 11 July 2024

Woodland Butterflies during late June and early July

 Late June and early July are the weeks that I look forward to most of all, during the butterfly season. This is the time when some of my favourite species start to emerge.

 When weather conditions are favourable, I spend every opportunity walking along the woodland edge and wading through the bracken beds, to see what can be found.

Purple Hairstreak (Favonius quercus)

A freshly emerged male, slowly moving for best position.

Another male demonstrates wing rolling behaviour as it draws moisture through its proboscis.

I wonder whether wing rolling plays a part in helping the pumping action to draw up moisture through the  proboscis?

It then settles down with wings open.


White Admiral (Limenitis camilla)



Meadow Brown (Maniola jurtina)



Silver-washed Fritillary (Argynnis paphia) (mating)

Tuesday 2 July 2024

Some Moths during June

 Whilst moth numbers attracted to the moth-trap continue to be low this season, the variety of species remains good. Although most of the following images are from the overnight catches, a few are of species that I have found on my day-time walks in my local woods.

Elephant Hawkmoth (Deilephila elpenor)

Pine Hawkmoth (Hyloicus pinastri)

Satin Lutestring (Tetheella fluctuosa)

Scorched Wing (Plagodis dolabraria)

Great Oak Beauty (Hypomecis roboraria)

Mottled Beauty (Alcis repandata repandata)

Willow Beauty (Peribatodes rhomboidaria)

Clouded Border (Lomaspilis marginata)

Foxglove Pug (Eupithecia pulchellata pulchellata)

Silver-ground Carpet (Xanthorhoe montanata montanata)

Treble Brown Spot (Idaea trigeminata)

Gold Swift (Hepialus hecta) (male)

Crambus pascuella

Nemophora degeerella (male)

Green Oak Tortrix (Tortrix viridana)

Double Square-spot (Xestia triangulum)

Heart and Club (Agrotis clavis)

Bright-line Brown-eye (Lacanobia oleracea)

Poplar Grey (Acronicta megacephala)

Shears (Hada plebeja)

Snout (Hypena proboscidalis)

Straw Dot (Rivula sericealis)